Tuesday 31 May 2011

entry 3

Date: 16.5.2011
Education or ‘learning’ as with society is forever evolving.  Traditional education has given way to lifelong learning practices.  Where education was once a structured environment, specific curriculums eg: geography, maths, science, especially at tertiary levels were adhered to and there was order and discipline, these learning styles have now been replaced with more reflexive learning practices, choices in programmes you want to study, and individuals are responsible and are at the centre of their own learning.   No longer do we as a society look to our teachers as being the ‘source of knowledge’ the ‘experts in their fields’ but more so as facilitators in guiding you to learn effectively.  In the ‘postmodern society’ we no longer take what is being taught as the only truth, we question authority, are ambivalent and take risks.  As individuals we no longer conform to the values and beliefs that are forced upon us from external sources, tending to think and make our own choices in what to believe and how to act, and the segregation that was once determined by class, stature in society based on your education is less prevalent. Although I believe the structure of education will always remain in one form or another, the way we view learning will always change and be rehashed as society develops and grows and the need and desire for further learning continuously expands.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Tracy - an attractive blog that completely fulfils the blog requirement for this journal submission. I appreciate you posting a link to your blog in the Blog Help Wiki on our course page, as I'm sure your classmates will enjoy reading your blog :-) Kind Regards, Vanessa Scholes.
